Dear Reader,
I admit I was downright shocked when I found out that cancer isn't actually what kills most cancer patients! And I've been a doctor for well over 20 years—so not much surprises me anymore.
Even more astounding—this monumental discovery goes back to the 1970s when former U.S. Air Force doctor Joseph Gold uncovered the REAL killer, a condition that no one in the medical field was even talking about!
That's right—the real culprit behind a staggering number of cancer deaths isn't cancer at all. No! It's a syndrome you've probably never even heard of—called cachexia (pronounced “ka-kek-see-ah").
And if you or someone you love is battling cancer...
You can't afford to ignore it!
And you definitely can't afford to ignore what could very well be the only natural compound that stops this stealth killer in its tracks. I'll tell you more about this life-saving therapy in just a moment. But first, let me tell you just how deadly an enemy cachexia is...
The problem is, tumor cells need even more energy than regular cells, so they gobble up the little nutrition your body has while the rest of your cells starve... And while the tumor is getting strong and healthy, you're wasting away—until your body just gives up on you.
In other words, as horrible as it sounds, many cancer patients die feeding their own tumors!
For a long time, most of the experts assumed that it only happened in the final stages of the disease. But Dr. Gold discovered that cachexia actually begins the moment the very first cancer cell appears.
He also pinpointed a specific enzyme in the liver responsible for setting off cachexia. Dr. Gold knew if he could shut down that enzyme, it would turn the tables on the stealth enemy, and stop cancer in its tracks.
The Rocket Fuel Secret
giving terminal patients a second chance at life...
Much to his surprise, the answer was an unbelievably cheap substance called HZ. But as cheap as it is compared to many cancer drugs, HZ is one of the most powerful natural ingredients on the planet. (In fact, it's one of the ingredients used in rocket fuel).
Since he discovered it, dozens of studies have been done on HZ. In fact, I just did a quick count of the ones I have on my desk right now and came up with 28! And these are studies from some of the top cancer research facilities in the world, including Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg, Russia and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.
All of them were published in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals. And EVERY SINGLE ONE showed that not only is HZ completely safe... but it may very well be the only treatment on earth that gives terminal cancer patients a second chance at life.
Time and time again, the most respected cancer researchers around the world found that HZ brings cachexia to a screeching halt. The researchers were stunned when their controlled clinical trials showed nearly...
- 6 out of every 10 previously unresponsive patients—ones diagnosed as “factually terminal"—suddenly STOPPED showing signs of cachexia!
In other words, patients who'd been on the brink of death got their appetites back... regained the muscle and fat they'd been starved of... and started to have NORMAL laboratory findings!
HZ is truly a miracle when it comes to cachexia... but even if you've nipped this deadly enemy in the bud, you've STILL got cancer to contend with.
And THAT'S what makes the HZ secret even more remarkable! Not only does it wipe out cachexia...Studies show that HZ:
- Takes control of cancer and keeps it from spreading
- Halts—even reverses—tumor growth. In fact, it...
- Shrinks tumors up to HALF their original size
And it doesn't subject you to any of the toxic side effects caused by chemo and radiation.
But in a terrifying twist that may shake you to your very core, the most powerful cancer agency in the world has spent the last 30 years frantically trying to keep a lid on this breakthrough therapy. You won't believe it when you hear about the underhanded tactics they resorted to...
But what makes this cover-up even more despicable is the fact that it's not the first time it's happened!
Are you willing to die for
I've spent the better part of my career researching what Nature has to offer in terms of cancer treatments. And the disturbing truth is, when it comes to natural cancer breakthroughs, the mainstream (including some of the most prominent health organizations all over the world) has a habit of botching studies, skewing results, and hiding the TRUTH about Nature's cancer-curing potential from the people who need it most.
Think I must be mistaken? I wish I was. But facts are the ones that emerged from a 2006 survey sent by the Union of Concerned Scientists to nearly 6,000 FDA scientists. Those scientists that responded to the survey (about 1,000 of them) made some pretty shocking admissions...
- Almost 20 percent admitted that they had been “asked explicitly by FDA decision makers to provide incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information to the public, regulated industry, media, or elected/senior government officials."
- Less than 50 percent agreed that the FDA “routinely provides complete and accurate information to the public."
- 47 percent admitted of being aware of instances “where commercial interests have inappropriately induced or attempted to induce the reversal, withdrawal or modification of FDA determinations or actions."
That last admission gets right to the heart of the matter... It all boils down to one of the deadly sins—GREED.
The FDA will sell you out and pocket the change!
You see, natural therapies can't be patented. And treatments that aren't patented can't make scads of money for drug companies—or the FDA, which gets a hefty paycheck every time it approves one of them.
So when a natural substance shows promise against cancer, the drug companies invest all their time and money into developing a synthetic version of it that CAN be patented. More often than not, it JUST DOESN'T WORK. But letting the public know that there's a cheap, natural cure would mean missing out on cold, hard cash. So what happens to all those study results?
The very same thing that happened to Dr. Gold's HZ miracle: The Big Pharma bigwigs and the government powers-that-be skew the results and sway public opinion away from the natural cure.
Half-truths, misleading data, manipulated results...For all the underhanded tactics the mainstream uses against natural remedies, these miracles may as well be under lock and key.
Yes, somewhere along the line medicine has gone horribly wrong. But I became a doctor to HELP people. And the oath I took didn't make a single mention of money or profits.
Which is why it's become my personal mission to pick as many of those locks as I possibly can.
from the most brilliant minds in medicine!
Believe me, it hasn't been an easy process. A lot of these things—like Dr. Gold's HZ miracle—have been buried for decades. And many of the scientists and doctors behind them were more than a little reluctant to talk to me about their discoveries. And who can blame them?
But, in the end, most of them agreed to share the details about their cancer breakthroughs with me. Why? Because unlike the drug companies and the FDA, these doctors don't have dollar signs in their eyes. Their mission is the same as mine—to save lives.
And the things these brilliant minds have shared with me could very well mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love.
In order for these breakthroughs to reach as many people as possible—to save as many lives as possible—I knew they needed to be put together all in one place. A single resource...The ONLY resource anyone would ever need. So that's exactly what I've done.
Everything I've dug up... all the natural cancer miracles I've learned about... I put them all into a cancer survival guide that I titled Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY.
25 hidden therapies from
around the world
Dr. Gold's HZ miracle is—by far—one of the most exciting natural therapies I've come across in my research. And in Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY, I'll tell you exactly how to get it. And I'll also fill you in on the cover up that nearly kept it out of your hands for good.
But as promising as HZ is, I've also treated enough patients over the years to know that nothing works for every single person. That's why I'm so grateful to all the doctors, scientists, and researchers who shared their cutting-edge discoveries with me... so that I could share them with YOU.
Most of these cures have been pushed so far underground that Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY is likely the only place you'll ever hear about them. Some of the miracles that were almost buried forever include...
- The acid-squelching combo that helps your blood repel cancer toxins... (It's touted by many alternative doctors as one of the most effective treatments for bone, brain, and other fast-growing cancers.) Chapter 6
- The “$3 cure" that neutralizes tumors by killing the fungus that keeps them glued together... (You probably have this little-known miracle in your kitchen pantry RIGHT NOW.) Chapter 11
- The vitamin cancer-killer hiding inside apricot kernels... (Research shows it has the potential to more than double the life span of cancer victims!) Chapter 13
- The cancer-obliterating miracle mushroom that's nearly 50 times more powerful than one of the strongest medicinal mushrooms on the planet... (It's nearly extinct, but I'll tell you the ONE source where you can get it.) Chapter 14
- The personalized, cutting-edge therapy that switches on your body's own cancer-fighting genes... (The FDA tried to shut it down for years—but the overwhelming positive results were TOO STRONG to deny.) Chapter 17
- The herbal tea curing cancer in patients with “inoperable" cases... (People who were told they had just weeks to live drank this simple tea—and lived nearly 20 more CANCER-FREE years!) Chapter 19
- The plant that's reported to be 250 times tougher on cancer in animal studies than one of the most potent chemo drugs—without the body-ravaging side effects... (This is one of the ONLY treatments on Earth that's shown any effectiveness against multi-drug resistant cancers.) Chapter 23
Every one of these cancer cures is backed by decades—even centuries—of use, not to mention solid clinical evidence.
The ONLY cancer survival guide
you'll ever need—GUARANTEED!

The natural breakthroughs I've included in Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY are the ones I'm convinced will give you the very tools for putting an end to your own cancer nightmare FOR GOOD.
In fact, I'm so positive that this is the ONLY resource you need to win the war against cancer, that if you don't find the answers you're looking for, I'll give you back every cent of the purchase price. So if Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY doesn't give you the life-saving information you won't find anywhere else, just say the word and I'll give you a full refund—no questions asked.
Don't keep these safe, proven, natural miracles hidden from you or the people you love for one more minute... Click the order button below right now to secure your copy of Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY—and let it be the only cancer survival guide you and your loved ones will ever need.

Allan Spreen, M.D.
Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel
P.S. You're just one step away from getting all the details on Dr. Gold's cachexia-squelching HZ secret—including the exclusive source. And that's just the beginning.
Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY is the only source that compiles so many underground cancer cures in a single place...Please don't miss out on these life-saving breakthroughs. Order right now to ensure that you get your own copy of Tomorrow's Cancer Cures TODAY—the ultimate cancer survival guide.